
国际新闻界 > 新闻 > MerchantCoin搭建数字金融服务平台,构建DeFi区块链生态


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DeFi MerchantCoin builds a new ecology of Internet finance + blockchain 3.0.


One of the challenging problems presented to the traditional financial industry is how to serve small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).  By World Bank assessments, SMEs are less likely to be able to obtain bank loans than large firms; instead, they rely on internal funds, or cash from friends and family, to launch and initially run their enterprises. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) estimates that 65 million firms, or 40% of formal micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in developing countries, have an unmet financing need of $5.2 trillion every year, which is equivalent to 1.4 times the current level of the global MSME lending. East Asia and Pacific accounts for the largest share (46%) of the total global finance gap and is followed by Latin America and the Caribbean (23%) and Europe and Central Asia (15%). 


MerchantCoin is created in the dawn of this technology revolution to address the challenge.  MerchantCoin’s mission is to build a market place for SMEs so they can attract like-minded investors. But before that, we have to build a platform for SMEs to run their business on. The infrastructure tooling may include digital payment wallets and enterprise software for SMEs to manage its customers, promotion events, supply chains, and finances. All those tools run on a distributed infrastructure platform that is operated by consensus, and by its nature is fully transparent and trustworthy. 


It is reported that MerchantCoin released blockchain digital financial services, combined with blockchain technology, based on the field of digital finance, and is committed to building a platform that provides financial services for small and medium-sized service businesses, and solves small and medium-sized enterprises through the blockchain + Internet finance model. Financing problems, the dilemma of aggregate payment, so that every online and offline transaction can be mined based on contributions and get rewards.

该公司成立于新加坡,其会员由持有ME投票权的Node投票产生。其核心团队成员均来自全球各大知名金融机构。创始人张翼鹏先生毕业于UMCP,先后服务于美国Aether System等,并参与投资中美多个大型To B的金融企业。亚辛先生毕业于蒙彼利埃高等商学院,并在哈佛大学学习过中国历史,了解中国文化和经济体系,曾服务于蚂蚁金服海外产品,领导海外团队获得千万级别海外用户。



MerchantCoin, which is positioned to provide digital financial services to merchants, does not directly provide fiat currency payment services, but in order to provide digital financial services to merchants, MerchantCoin needs to provide Node with an aggregate payment gateway product (mcGate). MerchantCoin not only obtains daily transaction data but also controls daily merchant transaction flow through smart contracts.





MerchantCoin can be used in the multi-dimensional information flow evaluation system, the tokenization of the merchant's future flow estimation, and the digital settlement system. Targeted meet the needs of investors for multi-dimensional information evaluation for financing small and medium-sized service enterprises.



The product includes mcGate for aggregate payment and mcSaaS, a merchant operating system, and a set of public APIs to support mcGate and mcSaaS, public chain systems, risk control systems, etc. mcPOS is a "cash register" used by merchants to complete payment transactions by scanning the QR code of the user's mobile wallet. mcsaas is the operating system of the merchant. Merchants use mcsaas to manage membership, supply chain, and marketing. If a merchant uses mcsaas, it can cover the functions of mcPOS. mcGate is an aggregate payment gateway, operated and owned by Node. mcGate helps merchants complete fiat currency transaction settlement and reconciliation. According to the concept of the transaction as mining, mcGate will generate Mer-chantcoin blocks based on transaction data. mcGate also reserves a share from the merchant transaction flow based on the smart contract. The loT, Merchantcoin platform manages and monitors merchant hardware, such as POS, smart speakers, etc. through a loT of modules. Messageingcloud, push expensive information, such as payment success or failure information, payment arrival information, etc. 



MerchantCoin will pioneer the establishment of a financial service ecosystem in the blockchain 3.0 era based on the traditional financial industry model, establish a set of open, fair and just underlying rules, accelerate the value transfer of the entire financial service industry, and optimize the composition of the industrial structure. Completely solve the market pain points of small and medium-sized enterprises' financing difficulties, continue to lead the development of the industry, and promote the application of blockchain technology in the global financial service field.




